Kim Banffy linocut prints.
For those who don't know, linocut prints are a type of intaglio (an Italian word, meaning 'to dig into') print made using a series of sharp cutting tools to cut into a piece of lino. The parts that are cut out don't print, and what is left takes up the ink and forms the print. Each print from a linocut is hand-pulled from the plate, using acrylic, colourfast ink. I love the stark contrast of linocut prints. This is a simple form of linoprinting using one colour of ink.
You can order originals here.
All prices are in Australian dollars. Posting internationally will incur an extra charge.

Deep River Found
(handmade B & W linocut print, framed or unframed)
57.5 x 68 cm
Price: $299

Deep River Found - colours
(handmade B & W linocut print, framed or unframed)
57.5 x 68 cm
Price: $350

Pardon Me But Your Tail Is Showing
(handmade B & W linocut print, unframed)
36 x 42 cm
Price: $199