Band are Mykl Lozin (Violent Femmes, Phil Emmanuel, The Furies) on violin, William Keyte on bass & Benji Keogh on drums.
Music Talks online Magazine
Check out the new online magazine Music Talks. Features some great articles, including one about me.
Article in Verandah Magazine
A creative journey, from pain to Bliss. Read the article here.
About me
I’m a singer/songwriter, a visual artist and a writer of books. I just love creating! I also hold a Masters degree in Education, specialising in Creative Arts, M.Ed (Creative Arts).
I’ve been writing songs for about eight years now, performing accompanying myself on guitar, and have been singing (my Mum informs me) since before I could talk! I have a wealth of experience in acapella singing, and love singing harmonies. There was, however, a period of about 20 years (the dark age!) after I left school, where I didn’t sing.
I tried to be what I thought everyone else expected of me, and became quite miserable, so now I’m making up for lost time. For more thoughts, prompted by my journey back to me check out my blog: the light worker sings.
I’ve sung in various small groups and choirs, and performed with massed choirs at the Deadly Awards and have sung backing vocals for Rachel Hore and for Gary Stowe.
I have, however, always expressed myself through art in paint, printmaking, mosaics and various other visual media, having majored in Visual Art in my teacher training.
I am a practising visual artist and have successfully exhibited in the Blue Mountains, Sydney and the mid-north coast of NSW.
In my former life I was a specialist Music and Visual Arts teacher in primary schools, and as part of that job conducted five children’s, two-part harmony choirs in various primary schools. I also had the annual pleasure of conducting the Lower Blue Mountains Primary Schools massed choir of 200 children in the early to mid 2000s.
In another phase I lectured in Visual Arts Education to teacher education students at two different universities and in English education at two universities. I worked at UTS Kuringgai, UWS Kingswood and SCU Coffs Harbour.
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State of Bliss
I have just released my debut CD 'State of Bliss'.
You will find a list of what's happening (gigs, interviews and other bits) on my news page.